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How to Trim your Waist Fat- With Four Fat Blasting Exercises

How to Trim your Waist Fat- With Four Fat Blasting Exercises

There is no such thing as spot reduction. This is one of the first things I tell my clients. If you want bigger biceps, you can do 100 curls a day, and in a few weeks the circumference of your biceps will increase. Weight loss doesn’t work like that. If I want to vanquish my love handles, I can’t just do a bunch of sit-ups and side planks until they’re gone. Weight loss comes off the whole body, so your weight-loss strategy should target the whole body. That’s why lifting heavy things is the most effective way to lose weight—it can target more muscles at once than any other form of exercise. As a bonus, weight lifting also increases bone density and makes you look sexy as hell.

Your weight lifting program can vary greatly depending on your age, ability, body type, and goals. If you’re just starting out, have someone with expertise help you shape your workout regimen to meet your goals. For instance, if your goal is to have beautiful calves and more endurance, jumping rope would be a huge part of your program. If you’re going for efficient weight loss, you need to target large muscle groups for one simple reason: the larger the muscles, the more calories you burn by moving them.

There are plenty of ways you can work those large muscle groups, but four of my favorite exercises for doing so are farmer’s walks, dead lifts, front squats, and sled pushes. All four are great for fat loss because they’re done with a lot of time under tension. Throughout these big motions, you’re working not only the target muscle groups but also your posture muscles. When maintaining a neutral spine, the muscles that are working the hardest are your abs and your glutes, which also happen to be two of the largest muscles in the body.

Here is a sample of how to program the four best exercises for fat loss:

·      Farmer’s walks: 3 x 2 minutes

·      Dead lifts: 3 x 15 reps

·      Front squats: 5 x 10 reps

·      Sled pushes: 3 x 40 seconds

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