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The best way to stick to a training program

The best way to stick to a training program

What is the single best way to stick to a training program?

 Get a training partner.

Having another person invested in your workout regimen can really help you get up on those days when you’d rather wallow in self-loathing than go to the gym.  I always recommend getting a human to help you train, because they are the best at spotting you and lifting heavy things appropriately. I haven’t worked out with the entire animal kingdom, but I’m going to assume that is a safe statement. Chimpanzees seem a little dangerous. Safety first, then teamwork.

The problem is, finding a good workout buddy is hard. I know from experience. Ideally, you can find someone who is punctual, consistent, and just a little bit stronger than you, but that’s just not going to be the case for many people. (If you do find the ideal partner, planning for the same days/times every week makes it easier to maintain the relationship).

A timely, loyal training partner may be hard to come by, but luckily, dogs are not. Dogs are almost free to obtain, and though they can take up a lot of your time and money, you’ll never go without a training partner again!

Your dog will never miss a workout or balk at the idea of going for a morning run. In fact, your dog will insist that you go outside regardless of the shitty conditions. Sure, there are limits on the type of workouts you can do with your dog, but if you get a little creative, you can target all the major muscles!

Running … duh

You can obviously run with your dog. Walking is just as beneficial from a fat-loss perspective, but it will take a little longer to burn the same amount of calories.

Weighted lunges

These will vary in difficulty based on the size and weight of your dog but no matter what will still be an incredibly functional movement. Lunges look a lot like getting on and off the ground, the easiest possible way. 


Gotta isolate those front two legs to get a ripped puppy.

Front Loaded Hip Hinge

Gonna be honest, Lucy(my dog) doesn't care for this one, but it is still a great movement for targeting the posterior chain. Since the most frequent exercise you do with your canine companion is running, it is likely you have become a little quad dominate and this is a great way to correct that imbalance. 

If you need helping sticking to your program, go out there and find a buddy or a puppy!

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