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Happy New Years… Resolutions!

Happy New Years… Resolutions!

364 days of the year I am not a huge fan of new years resolutions, with today being the one exception. 

After years of personal training, I’ve realized new years resolutions more often represent procrastination than action.  I will start next year… I am eating unhealthy until… I will start lifting when…

Once you have a goal the best possible course of action is… ACTION.

Today is the one day of the year where the calendar coincides with your goals! It’s a new year and time for new beginnings, pick up a new habit or hobby and allow the extra leverage from the date to help you see it through.


Here are a few tips to help you with your resolutions:

1)   Hold yourself accountable- Use a journal and write down everyday if you have done something to move you towards your goal.

For instance on March 3rd 2015 I decided I wanted to read 20 books this year. So I took a page in my journal and made a list 1-20 and left a space for each book. I’m not sure what I enjoyed more, reading the actual book or the two seconds after I complete it when I got to write it into my journal. Either way it proved a very effective strategy, and this year I plan to up the ante and read 30 books. I started a few days early on December 26th because I didn’t want to wait the 5 days to start chipping away at my goal. 


2)   Have someone else hold you accountable- (I find this to be the most effective motivator because of an inherent competitive nature) Make a bet with your friends pertaining to your goals and the loser buys breakfast, or give a friend some money and say don’t give this back to me unless I _______________.


3)   Reward yourself! And when you achieve a goal or a milestone of a goal, celebrate! If you are on a vegan diet (for health reasons), reward yourself with some fish, beef, or steak! If your goal is to lift, reward yourself with a delicious post work out snack or look in the mirror and ogle at yourself. 

I have found these strategies incredible effective for achieving my personal goals and I hope you do too!

Good luck on your New Years Resolutions! 

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