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4 Ab Exercises that are better than Crunches and Require the Same Equipment

4 Ab Exercises that are better than Crunches and Require the Same Equipment

Here are 4 quick exercises that require no equipment and are more effective than crunches!

What all these exercises have in common is that they are challenging you to brace throughout the entire movement and that they’re awesome.


Make sure you to keep your back flat on the ground!

Regression- Hands pressing against wall

Progession- Add a band- Wrap the band around something and hold one end in each hand.


Hollow body Holds

Keep your back flat on the ground!

Regression- Hands to at your sides

Progression- Rocking hollow body holds maintaining a neutral spine!

Side Planks With Abduction

Regression- Classic Side Plank

Progression- My favorite progression of this movement is slowing the tempo! Like really slowly- its really hard.

Hand stands- (Don’t worry you can use the wall)

Regression- Feet against the wall ( Facing Wall)

Progression- Handstand Push ups  

Here is a great way to end your next workout! 

3x10 -Dead Bugs (each side)

3x 30seconds- Hollow body holds 

3x8 -Side Planks with Abduction (GO SLOW!)

3x 25seconds- Handstand variation


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