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Growing Monster Biceps: the functional way

Growing Monster Biceps: the functional way

Curls are a vanity exercise.

There is nothing wrong with that, everybody is a little vane, and if you want bigger biceps…. do curls.

Curls are an exercise designed to isolate your biceps by utilizing a movement pattern that doesn’t have that much practical value. 

Lucky for you, there is more than one way to skin a cat.  If you want bigger biceps and some functional strength while you are at it, try these two killer exercises:

Supine Bent over Rows-

  • Holding weight in this position is already work, and if you are not an avid dead lifter, you are going to feel this in your hamstrings.

  • Keep your back flat throughout the movement. If you can no longer hold the position, it is time to rest

  • Pause at the top of the movement, as soon as your elbows are even with your back


Flex arm iso hold and chin up 

  • Perform a 20 second flexed arm hang, immediately followed by as many pull ups as you can do. (It won't be that many)

  • Maintain good pull up form- set your shoulders before each pull up and stop before they get ugly.

  • Full range of motion chin-ups, go all the way down.

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